Iwi Registration

"*" indicates required fields

Personal Information

If your last name was legally changed for what ever reason, please enter here, e.g. previous name before marriage, civil union, adoption, whāngai, deed poll, etc.
Home Address*
Date of Birth*

Whakapapa information

Please name your parent (biological or whāngai) who can whakapapa to Ngāti Hinerangi iwi.
Please name your grandparent who can whakapapa to Ngāti Hinerangi iwi.
Please name your great-grandparent who can whakapapa to Ngāti Hinerangi iwi.


I am submitting this form on behalf of
If submitting this form on behalf of someone other than yourself, please state your relationship with the applicant.
TPH validation committee authorisation name, date and signature:
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.