AGM date set for April 6

Feb 28, 2024

We are pleased to announce that the Te Puāwaitanga o Ngāti Hinerangi Iwi Trust Group AGM 2023
will be held on Saturday 6 April 2024, Matamata Club, 9 Waharoa Road East, MATAMATA.
(Parking accessible via Rāwhiti Avenue, MATAMATA.) Doors open at 10am, with the meeting
starting at 10.30am.

1. Quorum
2. Karakia whakatūwhera
3. Preliminary matters
4. Outline of hui and agenda
5. Apologies
6. Minutes from the previous AGM 2022
7. Trustee introductions and acknowledgments
8. Chairperson’s address
9. Interim CE’s address
10. Performance report
11. Audited accounts for the year ending June 2023
12. Draft Annual Plan 2024 – 2025
13. Recommendations
14. General Business
15. Karakia whakakapi

General Business Items
Registered iwi members who are 18 years and over are invited to notify the Board in writing of any
general business items they wish to raise at the AGM 2023. General business items must be received
no later than 5pm, Wednesday 20 March 2024.
General business items can be emailed to [email protected] or posted to:

Te Puāwaitanga o Ngāti Hinerangi Iwi Trust,
AGM General Business
P.O Box 20, Matamata 4300

Annual Report 2023, Minutes and Apologies
Registered iwi members who are 18 years and over can request an electronic copy of the Annual
Report 2023 and/or minutes of the AGM 2022 by contacting [email protected] – please
note, that hardcopies will be made available on the day. Apologies can be sent to Celia at the email
above no later than 3pm, Friday 5 April 2024.