Iwi vision wānanga

If you’re uri of Ngāti Hinerangi aged 16 or up, we need you! We are seeking whānau voice to help inform the development of our shared iwi vision, our strategic plan Whakatupuranga 2075. The vision will help identify the collective objectives for our iwi and help define what is essential and important to our people in various areas including education, health, reo, wellbeing, housing and more.  Please join us on this auspicious day and help us shape the future for our iwi. Register here.

Join us at Matamata Civic Centre, 10am on Saturday, 25 November. Bring the whole whānau. There will be kai for all and some fun activities for our tamariki aged 5-15.

Email:  [email protected] for any more info or phone 0800 199 1699.

Kia tika, Kia mahi, Kia Puāwai!